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After-Sales Policy

1.If logistics’ reason,customer not receive item,that’s our responsibility,after our checked,we will re-send or refund all.

2.If due to custom reason,for example,customer not wanna to pay tax,like that,item will ship back to China or destroy in custom,we won’t refund customer at all due to that reason.

3.When delivery comes,customer need to pay TAX to logistics and collect parcel usually:

A.Broken completely  ————-   Refuse to collect parcel at all.

B.Broken inside  ———–  Take photos on received goods,and call the delivery logistics staff back,tell them what happened,ask them to make an report on this case and report to China.

we will send parts to customer free post after confirmed.( The report about case is very important for us,don’t forget to get it,if not have the logistics report,we don’t know whether item broken

itself in transmition or broken by customer’s incorrect using,it’s a very important judging on free or not free parts shipping )

C.Lost item ————-  Take photos on received goods,tell us what lost,and we will check the shipping bill.

D.Don’t know how to use ————- Please check the manual in machine box or CD,or check on forum and youtube or google search,if cannot get infos,can send mail to support@ly-store.com

E.Return back to China ————- If customer don’t want to keep it,can ship back to China,but must keep all original goods inside box,and customer need to pay all shippingcost back to China.


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